Admission Process

Our care home is open to admission to individuals for day-care and long-term care. Admissions to the care home must be adequately planned.  Following an enquiry, a visit is arranged for the individual and or the family to view the home at first and to ensure the placement and the environment will be suitable in meeting the individuals need, pay the registration fee and then the Care Home Manager carries out a pre-admission assessment.

What is Pre-admission Assessment?

Pre-admission Assessment is a meeting where all relevant information is gathered from the individual, the family or carer and the multidisciplinary team. The assessment contains all necessary information such as medical history, list of current medication, social history and daily living needs. It is very important for us that the family (and carer where applicable) is present during an assessment and active in all stages of care planning for their loved ones.

The pre-admission assessment serves many different purposes. Some of these purposes are outlined below:

  • Detailed analysis about an individual’s needs
  • Understanding of the individual’s care needs before they move in.
  • Familiarity – the potential resident would meet at least one member of the staff team before they move into the home.
Frequently  Asked Questions

No, we are not a hospital and do not have all the specialist available in the hospital. Taking on someone we do not know anything about is a risk we cannot take.

Modern day technology has made communication very easy. Some part of the assessment can be carried out over the phone, but we will arrange for your loved one to see an appointed specialist locally to you who will carry out the assessment and send us a report which will enable us to make a decision.

That does not mean we cannot admit the person; it may mean they would need a lot of specialist input and as long as we can secure the services of such specialist. It is worth nothing this would attract additional charges to be discussed.

If there is a vacant bed available, the individual can move in as soon as reasonably practical usually within 48hours subject to all medical tests, if there is no bed available then the name is added to our waiting list until such time when a bed becomes available.

Our admission and acceptance decision are based on:

  • The persons present and future needs
  • The persons mental capacity
  • The physical accommodation needed
  • Staff implications
  • Present resident population
  • Government registration and regulatory considerations

At such time when your relatively is ready to come into the care home, residents are required to bring in their own toiletries and clothing including towels. Our organisation will supply all the bedding.

Please bring along the following items.

For All:

Bath soap (2), Hairbrush/ comb, Body Spray, Anti-perspirant     deodorant spray (2), Sponge (2), Toothbrush (2), toothpaste (2), bath towel (2), hand towel (2), face towel (7)

For Men

  • Shaving Foam
  • Disposable shaving blade/Shaver
  • Perfume/ Aftershave
  • Vests    (x10)
  • Boxers shorts/pants (x10)
  • Pyjamas (x5)
  • Socks     (x3)
  • Non-slip bathroom slippers (1)
  • Non-slip Indoor slipper (2)
  • 2 or 3 pairs of shoes
  • Other indoor and outdoor clothes

For Women

  • Vests/ Underwear (x10)
  • Disposable shaving blade/Shaver
  • Pants/Knickers      (x10)
  •  Night Gown (x5)
  • House Coat (x2)
  • Non-slip bathroom slippers (1)
  • Non-slip indoor/outdoor slippers (2)
  • 2 or 3 pairs of shoes
  • Other indoor and outing clothes
Our Environment

Our thoughtfully adapted home offers a variety of beautiful spacious living and dining areas. We have “quiet” lounge with no television but the occasional radio sound in the background for anyone who may want to enjoy their own company, attend to visitors in private outside of their bedroom or just read a newspaper or a book.

The property has been designed and laid out to have a positive impact especially on individuals with dementia. We have created a dementia friendly environment with memory aids such as pictorial labels and icons, safer flooring for fall prevention and use of bright colour and contrast for better safety and perception which helps distinguish and navigate different parts of the building and enable residents get around easily to promote maximum independence and confidence.

All our bedrooms are cosy and comfortable with en-suite facilities are easily accessible by wheelchair. We aim to provide a “home from home” atmosphere so, our residents are encouraged to decorate their rooms (within health and safety regulations) with favourite  such as small furniture, pictures or treasured belongings so that it feels just like home with the special touches.

We have an activities room giving space for residents to pursue their hobbies and interests.

Our outdoor is secure and loved by the residents. Everybody has a reason to go out there; some to relax and enjoy the fresh air, some to exercise, others look after the chicken, rabbits and fishes as well as a good area to socialise with friends and relatives.

Lifestyle and Activities

Having an understanding of resident current or former hobbies and interests helps us support them to enjoy their life to the full.

We find people want to keep their mind active and the body too if it obliges.

We recognise everyone is different and we celebrate that which is why we offer varied programmes with different levels of engagement.

With activity comes a zest of life.

Our staffs work closely with each individual to ensure they are encouraged to make friends, keep their hobbies going and maybe to find new past times and interests.

As well as group activities, there is religious service and time is spent on a one-to-one basis with reading or just indulge in an enjoyable chat in reminiscence therapy.

Other activities planned at the care home to stimulate both the mind and the body includes:

  • Sit-down exercise and walk-about
  • Ludo, Mancala (Ayo Olopon)
  • Manicure and Pedicure
  • Visiting Entertainers and Clergy
  • Hairdressing
  • Cookery
  • Regular music and Dance session
  • Arts and Crafts Workshop
  • Aromatherapy
  • Draught/checkers
  • Seasonal themed monthly events
  • Residents are encouraged to remain part of the community and attend social events with friends and families as well as religious services outside of the care home
Dining and Nutrition

Food is a necessity for growth and life and we know food makes people happy.

Our residents are offered choices and we have a rolling two-weekly menu. (Feel free to request to see the sample menus at the care home) From the option of breakfast each morning through to lunch and dinner, our chefs prepare a variety of wholesome, nutritionally balanced meals.

We make sure everyone’s personal preferences and dietary requirements are catered for in the care home.

As well as serving three nutritious and delicious meals everyday, our residents also have snacks and drinks throughout the day and night.

Our meal range caters for specific dietary requirements such as malnutrition, diabetes and dysphagia.

Residents are encouraged to enjoy mealtimes as a valuable social experience sharing it with other residents however, they have the option of enjoying the meal in the privacy of their bedroom.

Our Charges

Before Admission
A pre-admission assessment fee of ₦95,000 is payable. This covers (1) blood tests (Haematology, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Lipid Profile, Diabetes [diagnosis or follow-up],  and Hepatitis  (2) Urinalysis and  (3) COVID-19 Test

On-going monthly cost:
Our monthly fees range from ₦250,000 – ₦350,000 depending on care needs and type of room. Please see FAQ for further information.

Daycare – ₦5,000 – ₦8,500 per day Attendance from 9am – 5pm
Daytime care provided Meals X 2 Activities

Short stay (Respite) Weekly Cost

₦70,000 ₦75,000 ₦80,000
PRIVATE ROOM ₦75,000 ₦85,000 ₦90,000

Long Term (Permanent) Monthly Cost

SHARED ROOM ₦250,000 ₦265,000 ₦285,000
PRIVATE ROOM ₦270,000 ₦290,000 ₦310,000


Additional Fees:
Additional fees may not be applicable to everyone. This depends on individual care needs.

Our fees are payable on the 1st of every month but for those who find it convenient, fees can be paid a maximum of three months in advance.

Our Fees Includes:

  • 24 hours care
  • En-suite Boarding
  • Laundry
  • Daily Housekeeping
  • Local Hairdressing for females and barbing for males
  • Homemade cooked meals
  • Entertainment and Days Out
  • Supply of Daily Newspaper

Additional Services Fee Not Included:

  • Hospital admission, treatment and other associated cost
  • Medication and other medical supplies
  • Incontinent products such as catheter or incontinent pads
  • Transportation cost for visits outside the care home such as medical appointments, personal social outings
  • Tests and treatment by other specialist invited in or outside our care home such as physiotherapist, district nurse, speech therapy
  • Special diets such as meal substitutes or special meals due to allergy, intolerance, medical need or religious or cultural diet
Terms and Conditions of Service

The acceptance of a person to stay at Hope Villa Care Home involves a special relationship being formed around the specialist care being provided by the home. However, in order to do so, we have to maintain an extensive establishment at a financial cost and therefore we have to define the relationship in business terms constituting a contract. These terms are intended to protect you and us from any misunderstandings and are for our mutual benefit.

A contract is an important legally binding document detailing our general terms and conditions of service and you should read it carefully. You may like to seek independent legal advice as it is important that you have read and understood these terms and conditions before entering into this agreement.

We may at times request to see a legal authority to act on behalf of a resident such a Power of Attorney. We request that a legal representative witness the documents and all fees paid in full before admission to the care home.

From time to time we make amendments to our terms and conditions to reflect changing circumstances that affect the home and the way in which it is operated. We will always give residents at least one months’ notice of any changes to our terms and conditions and the amended terms and conditions will then apply.

A brief summary of our contract includes:

  • the cost of care and payment terms
  • the notice period for any increases
  • any deposits or advance payments required
  • the type of accommodation provided
  • the level of care to be provided
  • any additional fees and charges that may be incurred
  • what happens if residents are temporarily absent from the care home (for example, they are in hospital)
  • the terms of cancellation of the contract, both on your part and on that of the care home